Asbestos Poisoning4
Asbestos poisoning is the impact that asbestos exposure can have on humans. Its toxicity stems from the fact that the microscopic fibers which make up asbestos in its pure form can have a devastating impact on human health when they are inhaled or ingested. Asbestos fibers are produced by asbestos products that are deteriorating or that have been mangled in some fashion. When asbestos products become worn they become “friable,” which means that they will crumble and release asbestos fibers into the air.
When a person inhales or accidently swallows asbestos fibers, there is no immediate reaction as with toxins that are usually referred to as poisons; in fact, if you were to swallow or inhale asbestos fibers you probably wouldn’t notice. They are invisible to the human eye and light enough to stay afloat in a cloud of dust for a long period. Asbestos poisoning is the result of asbestos fibers becoming lodged in the human body which cannot shed them through natural methods.
asbestos poisoning
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